Increasingly, people are thinking about whether can they regrow their broccoli plants. The technology is quite simple if done correctly.

- 1 Grow broccoli from stem
- 2 Grow broccoli seeds
- 3 How to properly harvest broccoli?
- 4 Conditions for successful growing of broccoli plant
- 5 Transplant process
- 6 Pests and diseases
- 7 Is planting in pots acceptable?
- 8 The principle of obtaining broccoli seeds
- 9 What happens if you do not keep the distance between the bushes?
- 10 Health benefits of broccoli
- 11 FAQ
- 12 Results
Grow broccoli from stem
If you decide to find out if you can regrow and store broccoli, you should cut and prepare the stem itself and know what to do with leftover scraps.
To begin to grow broccoli from stem, it is placed in water. When small roots are formed, it is possible to start care on the same principle as with other plants. The tips to grow broccoli from stem are very simple.
First, you need to pick a healthy stem. It must not be damaged. It needs to be shortened by 5 inches, after which the heads themselves should be removed. However, several branches must remain.
You need to collect some water in a glass jar. The stalk is half immersed in it.
Place the jar in a well-lit place. It is necessary to wait for the moment when the roots begin to develop.
In a few days, you notice a full-fledged root system. If you wait a few more days, the roots become stronger. At this stage, broccoli plants have quite a lot of nutrients.
If you notice the new root growth, it is possible to begin preparing the site for planting. For work, prepare a container that has holes for drainage.
The container must be large so that a full-fledged plant can fit in it. Fill the container with well-draining, nutrient-rich garden soil.

Grow broccoli from the stem: preparation
If you are growing broccoli in an open vegetable garden, then sand, a little clay, and chopped wood need to be added to the ground.
The main thing is that there is no risk of frost returning. A plant from a stem can’t face frost. Try to keep an eye out for when there be frosts in your area.
As soon as the frost does not return according to the forecast, you can begin to prepare the landing site. As already mentioned, this can be open ground or a container. The container should be rated at 5 gallons. The following conditions must be met:
- Well-lit area.
- Low-acid soil. Optimal indicators are 6.1-6.8 pH.
- Excellent drainage.
- Enough nutritional ingredients.

Good lighting
Broccoli plants must get about 6 hours of direct sunlight per day or more. If there is such a place on the site, you can start planting. If this is not the case, you have to deal with planting in containers.
Soil with low acidity
It is necessary to correctly determine the pH of the soil when you grow broccoli. For ease of use, use the multifunction tester.
Fortunately, such models are affordable and are sold in almost all stores. If you need to slightly increase the acid performance, use special organic acidifiers.
Nutrients and drainage
Broccoli prefers to grow in well-drained soil. However, it should not be swampy. It is extremely important to provide the culture with enough nutrients.
This guarantees a good harvest. If there is a lot of clay or sand in the soil, you have to slightly adjust the indicators.
You can saturate the soil with organic matter to increase the number of nutrients. For these purposes, you can use compost, rotted manure, or fallen leaves. Broccoli leaves need to be crushed first.
It is recommended to apply an organic fertilizer to the upper layers of the soil. After that, it makes sense to dig the area a few inches. If you are growing broccoli in containers during cool weather, mix the organic matter into the soil.

Grow broccoli from stem: planting technology
As soon as the planting site is ready, it is possible to start planting broccoli. The distance between the bushes should be 3-5 inches.
If you are planting in open soil, row spacing should be 2 feet.
This provides enough room for growth.
Remember the need for soil moist, as well as the introduction of nutrients. The broccoli plants must be well-lit.

Grow broccoli seeds
If necessary, you can start growing broccoli from seeds. The technology of growing broccoli from seeds is also not complicated.
First, decide on a variety that is appropriate for your region. The vast majority of varieties prefer to grow at 65℉ (so you won’t have to deal with yellow flowers).
Planting should be carried out in spring after the last frost date or in autumn, when it is cool weather veggie but not so cold. If the variety withstands heat well, planting can be done in the summer.
It is recommended to plant broccoli plants in places where in the morning they do not be illuminated by the scorching sun. If the cultivation is carried out in containers, it is enough to fill them with drained soil.
After that, seeds are sown, which go a little deeper into the soil. Then, you need to add nutrients in the form of organic matter. Planting seeds is carried out in holes, the depth of which is 0.5 inches.
The distance between them should be 18 inches. 2-3 seeds should be added to each hole, then sprinkled with earth.
To accelerate germination, it is recommended to water the seeds. The seeds germinate in 1-2 weeks.
Next, monthly top dressing using low nitrogen fertilizer is required. It is necessary to remove weeds and mulch the garden bed. If the temperature starts to drop, it is better to cover the bushes.

How to properly harvest broccoli?
As soon as the heads form and the inflorescences begin to open, you can harvest broccoli. You need to arm yourself with a knife.
The cut should be made 4-6 inches below the stem. Only the head is cut off, you do not do the stem scraps. After 2-3 weeks, shoots will appear on the sides, and they can also be cut.
Try to harvest on time. Otherwise, broccoli has a bitter taste.

Conditions for successful growing of broccoli plant
Several requirements must be met to successfully grow broccoli.
Broccoli prefers to grow in well-lit areas. The broccoli plants must get about 6-8 hours of sun per day. This promotes growth as well as better head formation. If you live in a region with a hot climate, protection from the scorching sun and high temperatures is required.
After all, otherwise, the broccoli plants may begin to bloom ahead of time. The sun burns the bushes.
That is why most gardeners prefer to grow broccoli in containers on their home windowsills. Better if they go to the east side.
The sun is gentle in the morning. Therefore, the garden vegetables grow better. During the day, the broccoli plants still should be protected from the scorching sun.
Humidity and watering
To get quality broccoli thrives, it is recommended to water the bushes with water to a depth of 1-2 inches in the morning.
Make sure that water does not get on the leaf plates. Otherwise, burns may form. If you water your broccoli plants too much, they may die.
Therefore, in regions with heavy rainfall, it is better to refrain from watering. This applies only to those cases if the planting was carried out in the open ground.

The optimum temperature for broccoli is between 60 and 70℉. Some varieties can withstand temperatures as low as 26 ℉, or heat as high as 95 degrees. However, you have to choose the right variety.
The optimal time for planting is spring or autumn to get an early harvest broccoli.
It is very important to maintain optimum soil pH.
It should also be remembered that plants need nutritious and well-drained soil.
It is necessary to add compost so that the soil receives enough nutrients and improves the quality of drainage.
Thanks to good drainage, water does not linger, which prevents rot root growth. To improve the quality of drainage, you can add sand or other similar material. The soil should be loamy or sandy.

Broccoli does not require a lot of nitrogen. So try to stick to the 5-10-10 formula. This provides a large amount of phosphorus or potassium.
It is appropriate to use balanced, fertile soil that is commercially available. This does not over-saturate the broccoli.
Give preference to fertilizers that are slowly released. They need to be applied when the growing season begins. In the middle of the season, liquid fertilizers should be preferred. Follow the instructions on the packaging.
Transplant process
Transplantation can be done when several pairs of true broccoli leaves have formed. If transplanting is carried out in the open ground, then it is better to do this a few weeks after the end of the frost.
Transplantation is carried out in prepared soil. It is better to do the procedure on a cloudy day. This prevents stress on the plants.

Pests and diseases
As you know, broccoli is often affected by diseases and pests if you do not follow the basic rules for care. The most common pest is cabbage loopers.
If you do not start pest control on time, the bushes may die, and you lose even your cool season crop. However, the fight with cabbage loopers is quite simple, and all methods are easily applicable.
In case of mass infection, insecticides need to be used. If only some bushes are infected, insecticides do not be the best option. In this case, it makes sense to use more gentle and affordable methods.

Broccoli is affected, in most cases, by Alternaria blotch and black rot. Both diseases are very dangerous, they need to be dealt with in time.
However, it is better to prevent their occurrence by adhering to the basic rules for caring for plants.
Alternaria spotting does not pose any danger. However, because of it, the broccoli heads be small, or not formed at all. The disease develops due to high humidity. If you water it correctly, the broccoli plant is completely safe.
Determining the disease is quite simple. Small black spots form on the surface of the plant. After, they increase in size and turn yellow. The border remains black. Quite often, spotting provokes infection of aphid bushes.
The fungus that causes the disease can even be found in a package of broccoli seeds. You can carry the spores on clothing or tools you use to tend the shrubs.
Therefore, everything must be pre-cleaned and disinfected. Spotting involves the use of a copper fungicide.

Black rot
This disease is insidious. At first, yellow stains form on the bushes. As the disease progresses, its size increases.
However, people do not always notice this in the early stages, which is why they lose the entire cool season crop.
After, the spots acquire a brown tint.
It causes plants to wilt and die. There are no drugs yet, that would help get rid of the disease.
However, to slow down development, it makes sense to use a copper fungicide. If the broccoli heads were not affected by the disease, it is better to cut them off.
The main cause of the disease is bacteria. They can be in the water or on tools. It should also be noted that bacteria can be carried by insects. The development of the disease is enhanced if a humid environment is observed.
Is planting in pots acceptable?
You can grow broccoli in pots as long as they are large enough. It is better to choose containers whose sizes are 12 inches. You can grow broccoli in pots, either from the stem or from the seed.
The principle of obtaining broccoli seeds
The head of broccoli is a flower that has not yet ripened. However, you still can obtain broccoli seeds. You don’t need to cut off one head.
It needs to give time to bloom and let the arrow go. Seedboxes are formed inside. They must mature. The process may take several months.
The next step is to clean up the broccoli plant from the vegetable garden. Pods that are not fixed to the stem dry out.
As soon as the drying process is completed, you should get the seeds from the inside. Put them in a paper bag and save them until next year.

What happens if you do not keep the distance between the bushes?
As already mentioned, the optimal distance between the bushes must be maintained. If the bushes are too close to each other, the heads shrink. This negatively affects yields.
Give the broccoli plant enough space to allow the bushes to develop.
Health benefits of broccoli
Broccoli has a pleasant taste. This type of cabbage can be used for cooking various dishes or consumed fresh. There are quite a lot of nutritional components in the composition of heads of cabbage that are useful for the human body.
Planting broccoli can be done for several reasons, including health benefits. Broccoli contains vitamin A. It improves the quality of vision.
The product also contains more than the daily human need for vitamin C. It helps strengthen the immune system.
It should be noted the sufficient content of vitamin K. This component helps to improve the quality of bone tissue. Your bones and teeth are stronger. In addition, vitamin K improves blood clotting. Broccoli contains folic acid.
This component helps to produce DNA and RNA. It also is very useful for pregnant women. The product contains a large number of antioxidants. Their main purpose is to prevent oncology and chronic diseases. Not to mention the content of calcium and phosphorus. These substances improve the bones’ condition.
Broccoli contains fiber. It helps to quickly overcome the feeling of hunger and saturates for a long time. It should be noted, a small number of calories and carbohydrates. Therefore, the product is the best solution for those who follow the figure. Not only heads of cabbage, but also broccoli stems are suitable for use.

When it comes to growing broccoli planted indoors during the cool weather or outdoors, there are many questions to ask.
Will broccoli grow back after cutting?
If you cut the heads off the bush, the side stems start to develop.
How do you regrow broccoli from store-bought broccoli?
If you bought a broccoli plant in a store, then planting is carried out according to the same principle.
You need to dig in the roots, reaching the young broccoli leaves at the top of the
broccoli sprouts. Mulch should be laid around to keep the soil moist longer.
Watering should be such that the soil is moist, but not very wet. It needs new growth to form. After, watering is carried out 1-2 times a week.
Does broccoli grow back every year?
Broccoli is a biennial plant. Therefore, in the first year, the culture grows, and in the second year, it begins to bloom. However, if you plant broccoli in the spring, then in the first year it is possible to collect seeds. Have not yet come up with varieties of broccoli that grow back every year.
Does broccoli grow twice?
Broccoli heads are available 2-3 times within three months. Initially, the head is formed in the center of the entire plant. As soon as you cut it off, after a few weeks, small heads of cabbage form on the side.
As you can see, growing broccoli is quite simple. This can be done in containers or outdoors. The main thing is to provide proper care.