Grown cilantro microgreens is in popularity in recent years. With its help, you can saturate cooked dishes. The cilantro microgreens taste pleasant and aroma. Many people think that growing cilantro is difficult, however, this is not the case. Read more about how to grow cilantro microgreens in this article.

- 1 What is cilantro microgreen?
- 2 How to grow cilantro microgreens the right way?
- 3 Requirements and germination time
- 4 Harvest time
- 5 The difference between cilantro microgreens and sprouts
- 6 Benefits of cilantro microgreens
- 7 FAQ
- 8 Results
What is cilantro microgreen?
Before proceeding to study the question of how to grow cilantro microgreens, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the plant itself. Cilantro microgreens are young bushes that are formed at the stage between sprouts and already full-fledged greens.

There are different varieties of cilantro, and almost all of them are in demand. The Culantro variety is often confused with sprouts. However, the difference is that there are developed leaves. The height of the greens is 1-3 inches. The leaves have a rich taste and aroma, so dishes like sweet potatoes, scrambled eggs, or dishes in Mexican cuisines will be more attractive.
How to grow cilantro microgreens the right way?
Growing cilantro microgreens is characterized by several stages.
The first stage of growing cilantro microgreens
Containers to be grown in should be filled with high-quality potting mix. Choose containers that have holes in the bottom. This allows water to be supplied as soon as the greens sprout. The soil needs to be compacted and leveled on the surface.

The second stage of growing cilantro microgreen
Using a spray gun, you need to moisten the surface of the soil. It is better to use water that does not contain chlorine. Once the water is absorbed, repeat the procedure. If there are irregularities, then they need to be leveled.

The third stage of growing microgreens
Fill a shaker with cilantro seeds. This ensures they are evenly distributed. On average, each ounce contains 2100-2400 seeds. For every square inch, you will need to pour 7-8 cilantro seeds. It is important to remember that the plant grows slowly.

It is impossible to start harvesting until the first leaves are formed. If the surface of the shallow planting trays is about 37 square inches, you need to fill the shaker with 3.5 grams of cilantro seeds. This is equal to ¾ tablespoon.
Seed soaking
If you want the seeds to germinate faster, you can pre-soak them. On average, they should be in the water for 8-24 hours. A flush is required at the end. Many skip this step because it is quite time-consuming. After soaking, the seeds will be less well distributed.

The fourth stage of growing cilantro micro greens
Once the growing medium is prepared and you fill the shaker with cilantro seeds, you can start planting. Spread the seeds on the ground in a circular motion. Use one hand to support the container so that the seeds do not fall past the container. Try to keep the seeds evenly distributed.
The top of the bottle may need to be unscrewed. This allows you to get the seeds that are left inside. After they need to be distributed with your fingers. They need to be inserted in areas where the seed has got the least. Try not to press too hard on the seed hulls so they don’t crack.

If you pre-soak them, it is best to spread them immediately with your fingers. Even if you distribute them imperfectly, nothing bad will happen. After the seeds germinate, the bushes will grow and the voids will disappear.
Fifth stage
After that, you need to start preparing the cilantro seed for germination. To do this, they need to be moistened with water from a spray bottle.
It should not have holes to retain moisture. The tray should match the size of the container or be slightly larger. Then cover the seed hulls with a transparent lid, cardboard, or paper towel. When germinating, cilantro microgreens need to be protected from sunlight.

Some gardeners try to cover the microgreens seeds with soil. However, this significantly slows down growth. If the seed hulls stuck right then they lose their hulls. Additionally, you can install a load so that the lid does not rise. Plants grow quite strong. As the bushes grow, the lid will need to be raised.
Trays containing cilantro microgreens should not be placed on top of a heating mat. Cilantro prefers to grow at temperatures between 65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. You can install the tray on top of the rack.
Sixth stage
For the first few days, you need to leave the cilantro alone. This allows the seeds to germinate.
Seventh stage
After a few days, you need to check if the cilantro seed has enough moisture. If necessary, you can spray the soil with water. Some of the seeds are already starting to germinate. Next, you need to cover the container again and wait until the fourth day. You will notice the shoots and the growth of the seedlings.

However, it is possible that some seeds do not germinate yet, and they need to be given an additional week. Now a decision must be made. If the germination rate is good, the cover can be removed to allow the plants to receive light.
If the height of the bushes is insignificant, or the germination rates are weak, you have to check the soil surface. If it turned out to be dry, you have to moisten the surface with a spray bottle, then cover it again and leave it for several days. Then check again.
Eighth stage
If the microgreen has already sprouted and roots have already begun to form, it should be provided with enough light. Gardeners are still trying to figure out what types of light would be appropriate. You need to understand that lighting is necessary for plants to grow cilantro microgreens faster.
You can install containers in places with good sunlight.
If the cilantro turns yellow or white, do not immediately panic. After all, when receiving sufficient lighting, it acquires the desired dark green hue. If the surface of the soil is dry, moderate watering should be done with a spray bottle. After watering from a spray bottle, they will no longer be required.
Ninth stage
As the cilantro microgreens grow, bottom watering is required. It is important to prepare a pallet for watering. First, remember how much the weight of the dry tray differs. This allows you to correctly determine the watering intervals.
Fill the shallow planting trays with water, filling them ¼ inch. Then put a container of cilantro in it and let the water soak in. The leaves and stems are dry, so this prevents disease. After the first watering, you will need to add more water. After the volume can be reduced.
Check container weight every 2 days to determine if watering is required. It all depends on the humidity in the room, as well as the amount of oxygen in the soil.
Tenth stage
After 3-4 weeks you can start harvesting. You can use cilantro microgreens as soon as the first true leaves begin to form. Harvesting is carried out at this stage, and not when the cotyledons are formed.
Harvesting is pretty easy. You need to turn the container at an acute angle over the cutting board. After the scissors, start cutting off the greens, slightly stepping back from the surface of the soil. Don’t touch the soil.

Before using cilantro microgreens, it is recommended to rinse them to avoid bacteria. Do not immediately cut a large amount of greenery. It is better to choose as much as you need for 1 day. Place the plant tray in the light to keep the growth rate going.
If you’re not sure you can use all the cilantro microgreens before they grow big, you can cut them off and put them in a plastic bag. You don’t need to wash it first. Storage is possible in the refrigerator, only the air must first be removed from the bag.
Requirements and germination time
It takes 3-7 days for cilantro microgreens to germinate. It all depends on the temperature of the soil and the general growing medium. Germination is much better if the temperature is between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit. Watering is required at intervals of 2-3 days before germination.
Harvest time
You can cut cilantro microgreens after opening, and acquiring a green tint. It takes 10-21 days for the leaves to open. In most cases, it takes about 17 days. In this case, the harvest will be distinguished by an intense taste and aroma.

It must be understood that not all seeds can germinate during this time. It all depends on numerous factors, including the conditions of the nutrient-growing medium. It is best to wait an extra few days for the true leaves to develop and will be ready to harvest. Leaves should be cut at a distance of 1 inch from the soil. The tool must be sharp.
The difference between cilantro microgreens and sprouts
Every cook knows that cilantro microgreens and sprouts have significant differences. When growing grass, they are all part of the cycle. Therefore, there are differences not only in appearance. It is important to consider differences in taste.

Coriander seeds that have germinated are called sprouts. They have a pleasant taste and are filled with nutrients and fiber.
However, it is important to pay attention to humidity. If it is exceeded, bacteria can begin to develop in the microgreen seeds. To remove all bacteria, the sprouts will need to be cooked. Sprouts are an excellent option as a nutritious product because they have a special texture and composition.

Microgreens are the first leaves that form on a plant. At the same time, growth is observed precisely from water.
If the growth is from the ground, then it takes much more time. 2-3 weeks after sowing, the cilantro microgreens leaves can already be harvested for cooking.
Cilantro microgreens are rich in flavor. Therefore, it can be used as a decoration for dishes and added to sweet potatoes and other vegetables. Cilantro microgreens are also highly nutritious.
Benefits of cilantro microgreens
Cilantro microgreens are not just tasty. It has several advantages associated with the content of useful components.
Strengthening immunity
Cilantro microgreens contain a lot of vitamin E, which helps to strengthen the immune system.
Even one serving of cilantro is enough for a daily dosage of vitamins. Coriander microgreens also contain vitamin C, which helps prevent exposure to harmful molecules. This is the best option for smokers.
Vitamin C also promotes the growth and development of tissues in the body. It helps form collagen and also promotes wound healing. Iron thanks to vitamin C are better absorbed.
Improved blood clotting
Cilantro microgreens contain vitamin K. It helps to positively affect blood clotting, and promotes rapid healing of wounds. At the same time, coriander microgreens have a positive effect on bone tissue, strengthening it.
Protection of cells and organs
Coriander microgreens contain carotenoids. These are antioxidants that can dissolve in fats. It helps prevent damage to the cells and organs of the body. Contains 3x beta-carotene.
Eye protection
Cilantro microgreens contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which helps improve vision. This is the best option for mature people whose eyesight begins to deteriorate. At the same time, cilantro microgreens help prevent cataracts caused by age.
When it comes to growing cilantro microgreens, many questions can be asked.
Do you soak cilantro microgreen seeds before planting?
It is better to soak the coriander seeds before planting so that they germinate faster and more evenly. On average, soaking should last from 8 hours to a day.
What is the trick to growing cilantro?
For cultivation, drained soil should be selected, the pH of which is 6.2-6.8. Tanks should be placed in sunny areas. After lunch, it is better to move them to the shade if you live in a warm region.
To improve ordinary soil, you can add organic matter, such as compost. If you’ll be growing coriander microgreens in containers, it’s best to choose a high-quality, premium mix that comes packaged in bags.
What is the difference between cilantro and micro cilantro?
The difference between large cilantro and cilantro microgreens is that the latter is more grassy and tangy.
However, coriander microgreens do not have an old smell that repels most people.
Why is cilantro so difficult to grow?
Problems can be caused by the fact that cilantro microgreens have a short growing cycle. Under the influence of abundant heat, it begins to form arrows, flowers, and seeds. To prevent this problem during growing microgreens, you have to rearrange the containers in shaded areas.
As you can see, growing cilantro microgreens is pretty easy. If you grow cilantro the main thing is to adhere to all the steps that are described in this article. Wonder how to grow wheatgrass indoors, read